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Our marriage was flat lining, with no hope at all to stay together.  Rev. Michael & Rev. Dr. Phyllis Addison introduced us to the Married Mates Ministry, Inc.  A ministry with a Biblical base.  Since we met with them, we have grown to respect and love each other all over again.  I am happy to announce that we have moved into out first home and we are planning to renew our marriage vows.  That is only because of our obedience to our Lord and Savior.  We thank you for this God Divine Ministry.

Shane & April Farabee 



We are so thankful that the Caples took us under their wings and mentored us. With them we were taught how to communicate effectively with each other and how to resolve conflicts. We discovered each other’s love languages and made the extra effort to spend quality time together. The Caples reminded us to always put God first and the rest will fall into place. Because they were in a similar situation as us when they got married we really felt comfortable coming and talking to them when we needed help or guidance. We’ve been actively applying the things we learned with them in our marriage and are reaping the benefits! 

Allen & Eva Reed



The Married Mates Ministry, Inc. not only helped us to strengthen our relationship with each other, but together we developed a more intimate relationship with Christ.  We began applying Biblical instruction to the challenges we were facing as a couple.  With regular counseling, application of the Word, and steadfast prayer, we learned how to communicate effectively and seek Christ first in everything.  He has the solution to every problem and has proven to us that what is broken can be mended back together.  Both Michael and Phyllis revealed to us that God's way is the only way.  He is the God of Restoration and the Maker of All Things New.  Truly, we were restored and finally learned how to forgive and let go of the pain and anger that was keeping us in bondage.  We could never find the appropriate words to express just how grateful we are for this ministry.  We wouldn't have this great testimony to share today if it weren't for the great work being done here.  We have been blessed in ways we never imagined.  To God be the glory for He has done such marvelous things!

With Grateful Hearts,

Brian Wright & Lauren Robinson



For Tax Deductible contribution:

cash app to: $marriedmates --

Givelify or mail to: 

Married Mates Ministry, Inc.

4242 Mary Ridge Drive

Randallstown, MD. 21133-4320

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